郭沙沙, 沈立岩, 王权, 姚璐, 甄雪梅, 孙强. 基于模糊集的村医抗生素不合理使用影响因素的定性比较分析*. 2021. biomedRxiv.202106.00018
通讯作者: 孙强, qiangs@sdu.edu.cn
Research on influencing factors of irrational use of antibiotics in village doctors based on qualitative comparative analysis of fuzzy sets
Corresponding author: SUN Qiang, qiangs@sdu.edu.cn
摘要:目的 从工作年限等医生自身和医疗收入等外部环境因素出发对村医不合理使用抗生素的影响因素进行研究,以探索不同因素组合对村医抗生素不合理使用的作用路径,促进村医抗生素合理使用。方法 利用非参与观察的方法对山东省聊城市S县和Y县的10家村卫生室的12名村医的真实诊疗行为进行为期一周的现场观察和记录。利用fsQCA3.0软件对村医抗生素不合理使用的影响因素进行基于模糊集的定性比较分析。结果 医生自身和外部环境交互作用影响村医抗生素不合理使用。共有4条路径可能造成村医抗生素不合理使用。其中,医疗收入低,诊断率低,处方书写情况差的组合是导致村医抗生素不合理使用的主要原因。结论 村医抗生素不合理使用行为受到医生自身和外部环境不同因素间相互作用,相互关联的影响。应该从医生自身和外部环境等方面共同干预,以改善村医抗生素不合理使用问题。
关键词: 村医;抗生素;非参与观察;定性比较分析Abstract: Objective In order to promote the rational use of antibiotics of village doctors, we explored the influencing factors from internal factors and external factors, and explored the influence of different combination of factors on the unreasonable use of antibiotics by village doctors. Methods Prescription behavior process of 12 village doctors in 5 clinics in S and Y counties in Shandong province was observed via non-participant observation for 7 days. Using fsQCA3.0 software to conduct a qualitative comparative analysis of the data based on fuzzy sets. Results Irrational use of antibiotics of village doctors was caused by internal factors and external factors. The common avenues of irrational use of antibiotics of village doctors were combination of the lower medical income, lower diagnostic rate and poor prescription management. Conclusion The influencing factors of irrational use of antibiotics of doctors was result by combination of factors. Therefore, it is necessary to intervene from internal factors of doctors and the external environment together to effectively alleviate the problem of unreasonable use of antibiotics of village doctors.
Key words: village doctors;antibiotics;non-participant observation;qualitative comparative analysis提交时间:2021-08-30
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2021-06-15 bmr.202106.00018V1
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