峗怡. 欧洲国家健康水平的关键影响因素分析 —基于欧洲36国的定性比较分析(QCA). 2020. biomedRxiv.202006.00006
欧洲国家健康水平的关键影响因素分析 —基于欧洲36国的定性比较分析(QCA)
通讯作者: 峗怡, 437732120@qq.com
Analysis on the key determinants to a better population health in European countries — based on QCA analysis of 36 cases
Corresponding author: Wei Yi, 437732120@qq.com
Abstract: Population health in various countries is affected by varied social determinants of health. By collecting health data from 36 European countries, the differences among population health status and health inequalities were reported. Qualitative comparative analysis(QCA)was used to verify the influencing factors lead to population health level,in which what are the core conditions, which kind of combined factors can lead to better health. In general, the overall health of developed European countries is higher than others, and the four dimensions of risk, quality (utility), health economy and accessibility to health can jointly affect the population health . Four key indicators are identified among four dimensions, including adult alcohol consumption (-), avoidable deaths (-), per capita health expenditure (+), and unmet health needs (-), the impact of the first three is the core condition. Better quality (utility) dimension will leads to better health is confirmed, while the other three dimensions are varied. In terms of the two combined paths, the combination type one of both high expenditure and high quality as the core type is slightly more successful than the combination type two of low risk and high quality as the core condition. Evidence from European nations can provide development experience for developing countries to achieve leap-forward development in specific healthy area, and provide useful reference for the regional health equalization in China.
Key words: population health; influencing factors; multiple case comparison; key conditions提交时间:2020-10-28
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2020-06-29 bmr.202006.00006V1
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