李晓瑛. 基于文献知识发现的传染病继发疾病挖掘分析研究. 2024. biomedRxiv.202408.00057
通讯作者: 李晓瑛, lixiaoying@imicams.ac.cn
Research on the Secondary Incidence Analysis of Infectious Diseases Based on Literature Knowledge Discovery
Corresponding author: Li Xiaoying, lixiaoying@imicams.ac.cn
摘要:目的/意义 传染病的早期预警受到国内外相关机构的有效监管,然其继发风险尚未引起广泛关注;通过挖掘公开发表的文献大数据揭示传染病相关的继发知识,助推继发感染监测平台研建,提升我国感染性疾病预警防控水平。方法/过程 首次利用基于文献的知识发现方法,以病毒性肝炎、HIV感染和结核感染三种常见的传染病为例,从大规模生物医学文献数据中挖掘分析其继发疾病。结果/结论 从超过3680万篇PubMed文献中发掘出三种传染病的继发疾病,包括感染性疾病、非感染性疾病以及肿瘤。结论:研究结果不仅验证了该方法对系统全面地揭示传染病相关的继发知识提供一种新思路,而且为其继发疾病的预警监测和尽早干预提供更加有力的文献证据。
Abstract: Purpose/Significance The early warning of infectious diseases has been effectively regulated by international and domestic specialized organizations, but there is limited significant attention paid to its secondary risk. This paper aims to reveal secondary knowledge related to infectious diseases by mining public literature data, and promote the research and construction of secondary infection monitoring platform, which will improve the prevention and control level of infectious diseases in China. Method/Process The literature based discovery method is firstly adopted to mine and analyze the secondary diseases from large-scale biomedical literature data, taking viral hepatitis, HIV infection and tuberculosis infection as the examples. Result/Conclusion Three kinds of secondary diseases including infectious diseases, non-infectious diseases and even tumors, were found from over PubMed citations. Conclusion:The research results not only validate that this method provides a new approach for systematically and comprehensively reveal secondary knowledge related to infectious diseases, but also provide more powerful literature evidences for effective monitoring and early intervention of secondary diseases.
Key words: Knowledge Discovery; Infectious Diseases; Secondary Infection提交时间:2024-08-26
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2024-06-03 bmr.202408.00057V1
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