胡融淼, 邓世康, 于辰, 王培刚. 健康中国行动成功推进的结构要素及组合路径研究 —基于全国50个典型案例的清晰集定性比较分析(csQCA). 2023. biomedRxiv.202302.00015
健康中国行动成功推进的结构要素及组合路径研究 —基于全国50个典型案例的清晰集定性比较分析(csQCA)
通讯作者: 王培刚, wpg926@163.com
Research on the structural elements and combined paths for the successful promotion of the Healthy China Action:csQCA based on 50 typical cases across the country
Corresponding author: wangpeigang, wpg926@163.com
摘要:【摘 要】目的:识别健康中国行动成功推进的关键要素和路径组合,为提升我国居民健康水平、持续深入推进健康中国行动提供理论指导。方法:根据健康中国行动推进委员会办公室公示的50个健康中国行动推进地区典型经验案例,运用清晰集定性比较分析(csQCA)与个案分析相结合的研究方法,探究健康中国行动推进的结构要素及实现路径。结果:通过对所在区域、推动主体、政策保障、多元合作、人才支撑、平台支持、指标建构、市场培育、考核评价等结构要素进行必要性检验,发现多元合作和指标建构为核心条件,通过组态分析得到“区域+人才协同主导型”“实施过程主导型”“统筹兼顾发展型”和“区域+平台协同主导型”四条健康中国行动推进的有效路径。结论:挖掘区域资源要素,实施健康中国行动差异化推动策略,明确以改善人民群众健康为根本目标,多渠道、多主体推动健康中国行动,加速从依靠卫生健康系统向社会整体联动转变是成功推动健康中国行动的有效举措。
Abstract: 【Abstract】Objective:Identify the key elements and path combinations for the successful promotion of Healthy China Action, and provide theoretical guidance for improving the health level of Chinese residents and continuously and deeply promoting the Healthy China Action. Methods:Based on the 50 typical cases of Healthy China Action promotion regions announced by the Office of the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee, a research method combining clear-set qualitative comparative analysis (csQCA) and case analysis is used to explore the structural elements and realization paths of Healthy China Action promotion. Results:By examining the necessity of region, promotion body, policy guarantee, multiple cooperation, talent support, platform support, index construction, market cultivation and evaluation, we found that multiple cooperation and index construction are the core conditions, and through group analysis, we obtained four effective paths for the promotion of regional + talent-oriented, process-oriented, integrated and development-oriented and regional + platform-oriented Healthy China Actions. Conclusion:Tapping regional resource elements, implementing differentiated promotion strategies for Healthy China Action, clarifying the fundamental goal of improving peoples health, promoting Healthy China Action through multiple channels and subjects, and accelerating the shift from relying on the health and health system to overall social linkage are effective measures to promote Healthy China Actions.
Key words: Healthy China Action ;Case Study ;Structural elements;Combination path;Qualitative comparative analysis提交时间:2023-02-28
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2022-10-26 bmr.202302.00015V1
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