胡海洋, 赵从朴, 马琏, 姜会珍, 张晶, 朱卫国. 基于注意力机制和DGCNN的中文医疗命名实体识别. 2021. biomedRxiv.202102.00004
通讯作者: 朱卫国, zhuwg@pumch.cn
Attention Mechanism And Dilated Convolution Neural Networks for Named Entity Recognition
Corresponding author: ZHU Weiguo, zhuwg@pumch.cn
摘要:命名实体识别是医学自然语言处理任务最基本和最重要的一步,基于词向量嵌入的模型性能极易受到分词效果的影响,而且现有模型大多使用循环神经网络,计算速度较慢,很难达到实际应用要求。针对上述问题,本文构建了一个基于多头注意力机制和膨胀卷积神经网络的命名实体识别模型,通过字嵌入和位置嵌入算法,减轻了模型对分词效果的依赖;使用膨胀卷积神经网络模型进行训练,能够更好理解语义信息并提高计算速度。同时设计实验,与双向长短时记忆网络模型等多种命名实体方法做对比,通过比较实验结果的F1分数,本文所提出的模型比BiLSTM 基线模型提高了3.42%,相较BiLSTM+CNN模型提高了2.66%,比 BiLSTM+Attention+CNN 模型提高了2.04%,实验表明该文提出的模型取得了更好的命名实体识别效果。
Abstract: Named entity recognition is the most basic and important step of medical natural language processing task. The performance of the model based on word vector embedding is easily affected by the effect of word segmentation. Moreover, most of the existing models use recurrent neural network, which has slow calculation speed and is difficult to meet the requirements of practical application.To solve the above problems, this paper constructs a named entity recognition model based on multi attention mechanism and expansion convolution neural network, which reduces the dependence of the model on word segmentation effect through word embedding and position embedding algorithm; using expansion convolution neural network model for training can better understand the semantic information and improve the calculation speed. At the same time, experiments were designed to compare the results with other named entity methods, such as bi-directional long-term and short-term memory network model. By comparing the F1 scores of experimental results, the proposed model improved by 3.42% compared with bilstm baseline model, 2.66% compared with bilstm + CNN model, and 2.66% compared with bilstm + attention + CNN model The model is improved by 2.04%. Experiments show that the proposed model achieves better named entity recognition effect.
Key words: Named Entity Recognition; Dilated Convolution Neural Networks; Word embedding; NLP提交时间:2021-03-09
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2021-02-17 bmr.202102.00004V1
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