• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 王芳, wang.fang@imicams.ac.cn

An Analysis on Policy Practices of Tiered Maternal and Child Health System in Some Areas of China

Corresponding author: WANG Fang, wang.fang@imicams.ac.cn
  • 摘要:目的 了解我国部分地区妇幼健康分级服务政策的实践进展与存在问题。方法 采用主题框架法,从领导治理、服务提供、筹资支付、人力资源、药品供应、信息共享等六个方面梳理分析江苏省常州市、上海市、四川省成都市、河北省石家庄市的妇幼健康分级服务政策和改革措施。结果 调研地区选择不同的妇幼健康服务内容开展分级服务,以行政规制的方式明确了各级各类妇幼健康服务机构的职责分工,建立多种形式的协作关系促进机构间上下联动,调整筹资与医保支付方式引导群众就医,重视提升基层服务能力和区域妇幼健康信息共享。结论 各地应因地制宜理顺医疗机构服务内容和职责分工,多措并举提升基层医疗卫生机构服务能力,完善医疗机构分工协作的长效机制,统筹规划建立互联互通的妇幼卫生信息共享平台。

    关键词: 妇幼健康服务分级诊疗政策分析


    Abstract: Objective To understand the progress and existing problems in practices of tiered Maternal and Child Health System in some areas of China. Methods Thematic framework method was used to analyze the policy practices on leadership and governance, service delivery, financing, health workforce, medical products and information of the tiered MCH System in Changzhou of Jiangsu, Shanghai, Chengdu of Sichuan, Shijiazhuang of Hebei. Results Different MCH services were selected to implement tiered service. The function and division of MCH service institutions at all level was clarified through administrative regulations. Multiple forms of collaboration relationship were established to enhance coordination among institutions. The mechanisms of financing and medical insurance payment was modified to influence patients’ health seeking behavior. Promotion of grass-roots health service delivery capability and regional health information sharing was also important measures of the policy practices. Conclusion The responsibilities of MCH service institutions should be further clarified according to local conditions. Comprehensive measures should be taken to promote the capability of grass-roots health service. Long-term mechanism of collaboration among institutions should be improved. An interconnected MCH information sharing platform should be establish.

    Key words: Maternal and Child Health service;Tiered health care system;Policy analysis


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2020-12-21


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赵君, 丁雪, 陈永超, 王芳. 我国部分地区妇幼健康分级服务政策实践分析. 2021. biomedRxiv.202012.00016


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