裴晨阳, 胡琳琳, 刘远立. 我国老年健康服务政策的发展演变与未来建议. 2020. biomedRxiv.202007.00026
通讯作者: 胡琳琳, hulinlin@sph.pumc.edu.cn
Policy Evolution and Recommendations of Elderly Health Care Service in China
Corresponding author: HU Lin-lin, hulinlin@sph.pumc.edu.cn
摘要:目的: 本研究系统梳理自改革开放以来我国老年健康服务的相关政策,分析政策的演变历程和发展特征,为我国老年健康服务政策的进一步完善提出方向性建议。方法: 经系统检索得到老年健康服务相关政策文件148份,提取关键信息并梳理政策内容与时间节点,采用Nvivo 11软件对21份主要政策进行文本分析,归纳总结中国老年健康服务相关政策的演变历程。结果:中国老年健康服务的政策演变过程可划分为三个阶段: 起步酝酿阶段(1984年-2008年)、快速发展阶段(2009年-2016年)及系统整合阶段(2017年之后)。在这一过程中逐步明确了“健康老龄化”的目标与内涵,建立了老年健康服务体系的整体框架。结论: 本文从政策演变角度总结了我国老年健康服务政策发展的阶段,并提出应在大健康理念下促进多部门协作、进一步进行体制机制改革、加强能力建设以及开展试点示范四点建议。
Abstract: Objective: To sort out China’s policy evolution of elderly health care in different stages and provide recommendations for future policy development. Methods: 148 policy documents related to the elderly health service of China were obtained through systematic retrieval. After the initial screening, 21 main policies were analyzed by Nvivo 11. And the key information was exacted, such as publishing time, main content, etc. Results: The policy evolution of elderly health care in China could be divided into three major stages: 1) the start-up stage from 1984 to 2008; 2) the rapid development stage from 2009 to 2016; 3) the systematic integration stage since 2017. In this process, the concept and goal of “healthy aging” were formed gradually, and the framework of elderly health care system was built up eventually. Conclusions: To further improve elderly health care system, China should promote multi-sectoral collaboration based on the One Health concept, deepen the reform of system and mechanism, strengthen capacity building, and implement pilot programs across the country.
Key words: Elderly health care; Policy; Evolution; Development; Recommendation提交时间:2020-12-15
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2020-07-01 bmr.202007.00026V1
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