• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 刘跃华, liu_yuehua@163.com

Reform Development Analyses and Policy Recommendations of County Medical Community --Based on Survey of 200 County Hospitals in 2019

Corresponding author: Liuyuehua, liu_yuehua@163.com
  • 摘要:目的:分析县域医共体改革进展情况,提出推进县域医共体建设的政策建议。方法:选取200个县级医院作为样本医院,采用问卷调查和聚类分析方法,从资源整合、管理协同、激励约束三个方面,分析2019年县域医共体改革进展情况。结果:51.5%的医院实现药品统一采购,32.0%的医院实现规章制度统一,72.0%的医院颁布了医共体实施方案,60.5%的医院出台了医共体考核机制。聚类结果表明,缓慢推进型医共体占27.6%,中间型医共体占53.1%,积极推进型医共体占19.3%,县域医共体整体推进效果较好。结论:推进紧密型县域医共体建设,可注重从县域医共体资源整合、管理协同、建立激励相容机制入手,集中资源逐步提高基层县域医共体医疗服务能力。

    关键词: 县域医共体资源整合管理协同激励约束改革建议


    Abstract: Objective:Analyze the development of county medical community reform and put forward policy recommendations to promote the construction of county medical community. Methods:200 county hospitals were selected as samples. Through questionnaires and cluster analyse, the development of county medical community reform in 2019 was analyzed from aspects of resource integration, management synergy as well as incentives and restraints. Results:51.5% of samples achieved unified medicine procurement , 32.0% enforced unified rules and regulations, 72.0% promulgated the implementation plan of medical community, and 60.5% issued the appraisal mechanism of medical community. The clustering results showed that the slow-advancing medical community accounted for 27.6%, the intermediate medical community accounted for 53.1%, the active medical community accounted for 19.3%, and the county medical community had a better overall promotion effect. Conclusion:In order to promote the construction of close county medical community, it is suggested to start with resources integration, management coordination and establishment of an incentive compatibility mechanism, and concentrate resources to gradually improve the outpatient service capacity of grassroots county medical community.

    Key words: County medical community; Resource integration; Management synergy; Incentives and restraint; Reform; Recommendation


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2020-07-15


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孙华君, 张萌, 刘昭, 申斗, 赵琨, 窦勇, 冯世强, 刘跃华. 县域医共体改革进展情况分析及政策建议——基于2019年200家县级医院的调研. 2020. biomedRxiv.202007.00021


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