黄丽丽, 邹元君. 中医药信息学学科发展路径与体系建设初探. 2020. biomedRxiv.202002.00001
通讯作者: 邹元君, zouyj@ccucm.edu.cn
A Preliminary Study on The Development Path and System Construction of TCM Informatics
Corresponding author: zouyuanjun, zouyj@ccucm.edu.cn
Abstract: This paper summarized the development of TCM informatics, analyzed the development status of TCM informatics, and explored the development path and system construction of TCM informatics from three aspects of talent training, curriculum system construction and faculty construction, so as to provide references for further strengthening discipline construction.
Key words: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) informatics; Discipline Development; Personnel training; Curriculum system construction提交时间:2020-12-07
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2020-02-28 bmr.202002.00001V1
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