赵婧雨, 付亚群, 杨莉. 新增基本公共卫生服务项目遴选及补助标准研究. 2024. biomedRxiv.202403.00002
通讯作者: 杨莉, lyang@bjmu.edu.cn
Research on Selection and Subsidy Standards of Extended Essential Public Health Services Program in China
Corresponding author: Yang Li, lyang@bjmu.edu.cn
Abstract: Objective: To meet people’s increasing the needs of people for essential public health services in different regions of China, and to adjust the needs of adjustment of essential public health services according to local conditions, including demographic characteristics, disease burden, economic development level, etc. Methods: The selection and evaluation framework of extended essential public health services was developed through a literature review, based on the multiple criteria decision analysis theory, and the operational selection process and subsidy standard of extended essential public health services were explored through conducting case simulation for public health intervention with taking programsvaccination as an example. Results: The study initially constructed a selection and evaluation framework containing three dimensions and eight indicators, and formed the process steps for the selection and adjustment ofselecting and adjusting the provincial essential public health services programs. Conclusion: The study provides an evidence-based reference for the governments decision-making on adjusting the connotation of the local essential public health services system.
Key words: essential public health services, selection process, subsidy standard, multiple criteria decision analysis提交时间:2024-03-07
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2023-10-07 bmr.202403.00002V1
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