• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 杨晓燕, yangxy@eastern-himalaya.cn

An analysis of the development status and problems of mobile health APPs from the perspective of public health

Corresponding author: Yangxiaoyan, yangxy@eastern-himalaya.cn
  • 摘要:摘要 目的 了解国内网络应用市场中健康类APP的发展现状及存在的主要问题,为健康类APP的研发与应用提供支持。方法 采用方便抽样方法,对5个主流的手机应用市场中全部的健康类APP进行调查分析。结果 健康类APP总体下载量呈金字塔分布,用户使用率高的健康类APP集中于少数几个;在任意等级的下载量中,运动健身类与医疗养生类APP均占有较高比例;健康类APP的问题主要集中于技术性问题和功能性问题,所占比例约为65%~89%;同时随着健康类APP下载量的增高,科学性问题所占比例越来越大。结论 健康类APP的研发需要加强APP性能的优化,并且需要专业机构的监督,同时我们建议政府相关职能部门与公共卫生系统利用大数据拓展服务渠道,共同推进性能稳定、功能多样、更专业的以用户为中心的健康类APP,延伸和丰富工作内容,更便于公共卫生事业的开展。

    关键词: APP;移动健康;公共卫生服务


    Abstract: Abstract Objective The development status and problems of health-relating mobile APPs in the domestic app markets was analyzed for the purpose of supporting the further research and application of health-relating APPs. Methods A convenient sampling method was used to investigate and analyze all the health APPs in the 5 mainstream mobile APP markets. Results The overall downloads of health APPs were presented in a pyramid pattern, and the health APPs with high user usage are concentrated in a few; in any level of downloads, sports and fitness APPs and health APPs account for a high percentage; the problems of health-relating APPs were mainly the techinical and functional ones, accounting for about 65%~89%; at the same time, with the increasing downloads of health-relating APPs, the proportion of scientific was growing bigger. Conclusion The research and development of health APPs needs to strengthen the optimization of APP performance and the supervision of professional institutions, at the same time, we suggest relevant government departments and public health systems use big data to expand service channels and jointly promote user-focused health APPs with stable performance and diversified functions, to extend and enrich the work content, to facilitate the development of public health.

    Key words: APP; mobile health; public health services


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2020-05-05


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李飞腾, 杨晓燕. 基于公共卫生视角的移动健康类APP发展现状及问题分析. 2020. biomedRxiv.202005.00247


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