小娟. 基本医保参保人门诊医疗服务利用、费用及风险分析. 2023. biomedRxiv.202302.00013
通讯作者: 小娟, zhangxjzhang@163.com
Utilization, cost and risk analysis of outpatient medical services among insured persons of basic medical insurance
Corresponding author: 张, zhangxjzhang@163.com
Abstract: Objective: To analyze the utilization, cost and risk of outpatient services among people over 45 years old. Methods: Based on CHARLS 2018 data, univariate analysis and multivariate logit regression were performed respectively. Results: The utilization rate of outpatient services was significantly lower than that of self-purchasing medicines. The group with an average monthly average of more than 1,000 yuan for outpatient and self-purchasing medicines accounted for the highest proportion. The level of outpatient security has a statistically significant impact on the utilization of outpatient expenses; outpatient utilization and self-purchasing of medicines are both important factors that lead to catastrophic health expenditures; with the increase in the number of chronic disease patients, the number of catastrophic health expenditures for non-hospitalized patients increases. Risk increases. Recommendations: Improve the basic medical insurance outpatient reimbursement policy, guide patients to rationally use medical services, and improve the efficiency of fund expenditure; re-understand outpatient expenses, and reconstruct the medical insurance treatment and security portfolio; improve the outpatient insurance level of chronic disease patients, and reduce the risk of outpatient expenses for chronic disease patients.
Key words: outpatient service utilization; outpatient cost; catastrophic health expenditure提交时间:2023-02-28
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2022-10-10 bmr.202302.00013V1
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