• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 杨阳, 78860858@qq.com

Analysis of the characteristics of ancient prescriptions for coronary heart disease based on association rules

Corresponding author: YANG Yang, 78860858@qq.com
  • 摘要:目的:基于医案大数据分析系统探索冠心病古方用药特点。方法:在《中医经典古方数据库》中筛选自春秋战国以来治疗冠心病古方,通过医案大数据分析系统对冠心病古方进行数据规范及数据挖掘,主要包括两两定制关联分析、药量比例分析、定制多条件分析。结果:治疗冠心病古方中多以温性药物为主,治法多以益气养血活血为主,温里行气安神为辅。结论:民国以前医家治疗冠心病较为重视温补法的运用,现代医家治疗本病更侧重于“清”的运用。通过医案大数据分析系统对冠心病古方用药特点及规律进行分析,可为现代临床用药提供参考。

    关键词: 医案大数据分析系统;数据挖掘;冠心病;中医古方;用药特点


    Abstract: Objective:Based on medical case data analysis system to explore the characteristics of ancient use of coronary heart disease. Methods: Since the Chinese Medicine Classic Ancient Database, since the Spring and Autumn Warring States, the Treatment of Coronary Heart Diseases, through medical case data analysis system, the data specification and data mining of coronary heart disease, mainly including custom multi-conditional analysis, two-two customized correlation analysis, Patient effect analysis. Results:The monovism in the ancient coronary heart disease is dominated by temperature drugs, and the treatment is more, and the blood of the blood is, and the warmth of the temperature is supplemented. Conclusion: In the Republic of China, doctors in the treatment of coronary heart disease more attach importance to warming laws. Modern doctors treat this disease more focused on clear. Through the medical standard data analysis system, the characteristics and laws of the coronary heart disease are analyzed, and the reference can be provided for modern clinical medicines.

    Key words: Medical data analysis system; data mining; coronary heart disease; Chinese medicine ancient; medication characteristics


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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-10-11


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张一颖,杨阳,李园白,杨硕,杜昱,李逸豪,韩玉.基于医案大数据分析系统探索冠心病古方用药特点[J].医学信息学,2022,43(9):39~41, 67


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