• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅


通讯作者: 于梦迪, 1375102943@qq.com

Study on operating efficiency and influencing factors of medical insurance fund for Urban and Rural residents

Corresponding author: YU Meng-di, 1375102943@qq.com
  • 摘要:目的:在2017-2019省级面板数据的基础上,对各省份城乡居民医保基金的运行效率进行评估。方法:首先利用产出导向的BCC模型、DEA-Malmquist指数模型分别进行静态和动态效率测算,然后利用Tobit模型进行影响因素分析,为改善城乡居民医保基金的运行效率提供科学参考。结果:全国大部分省份处于非效率前沿,整体效率水平偏低,地区排名依次为东、中、西部,且东部属于高投入、高效率类型,中、西部属于低投入、低效率类型;全国城乡居民医保基金全要素生产率指数呈上升趋势,东部、中部地区的全要素生产率指数都略有下降,只有西部的情况在改善;人均GDP对城乡居民医保基金的运行效率有显著正向促进作用,而老年人口抚养比对其有显著负向抑制作用。结论:规模效率偏低是制约城乡居民医保基金运行效率的重要原因,因此,应进一步调整投入与产出结构,实现规模经济;在适度加大财政补贴、提高缴费标准的基础上逐渐探索建立与城乡居民收入水平挂钩的动态筹资机制,并通过实施鼓励生育、完善公共服务供给等系列配套政策来优化人口年龄结构,进而提升城乡居民医保基金的运行效率。

    关键词: 城乡居民医保基金运行效率影响因素


    Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the operating efficiency of basic medical insurance funds for urban and rural residents in each province based on the 2017-2019 provincial panel data. Methods: Firstly, output oriented BCC model and DEA-Malmquist index model were used to calculate the static and dynamic efficiency respectively, and then Tobit model was used to analyze the influencing factors, providing scientific reference for improving the operation efficiency of urban and rural residents medical insurance fund. Results: Most provinces in China are in the frontier of inefficiency, and the overall efficiency level is low. The regional ranking is in the order of east, middle and west, and the east belongs to the type of high investment and high efficiency, while the middle and west belong to the type of low investment and low efficiency. The total factor productivity index of the National Medical insurance fund for urban and rural residents showed an upward trend. The total factor productivity index of the eastern and central regions decreased slightly, but the situation of the western region improved. Per capita GDP has a significant positive effect on the operation efficiency of the basic medical insurance fund for urban and rural residents, while the dependency ratio of the elderly has a significant negative effect on the operation efficiency of the basic medical insurance fund. Conclusion: Each region should increase the intensity of input prudently according to the situation, and focus on adjusting the structure of input and output. Appropriately raise the payment standard to ensure the fund input, and optimize the population age structure through the implementation of policies to encourage childbirth and improve the supply of public services, so as to improve the operation efficiency of the medical insurance fund for urban and rural residents.

    Key words: Basic medical insurance funds for urban and rural residents; Operating efficiency; Influencing factors


  • 图表

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  • 序号 提交日期 编号 操作
    1 2021-09-25


  • 公开评论  匿名评论  仅发给作者


于凌云, 于梦迪. 城乡居民医保基金运行效率及其影响因素研究. 2021. biomedRxiv.202109.00035


于凌云, 于梦迪.城乡居民医保基金运行效率及其影响因素研究[J].中国卫生政策研究,2021,14(10):31-37


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