杜倩, 仇雨临. 基层政府创新及扩散研究——以整合城乡居民基本医疗保险政策为例. 2021. biomedRxiv.202007.00027
通讯作者: 仇雨临, qiuyulin@ruc.edu.cn
Innovation and Diffusion of Grassroots Government:case study of Urban And Rural Residents Medical Insurance
Corresponding author: QIU Yu-lin, qiuyulin@ruc.edu.cn
Abstract: Comprehensively deepening reform requires the grassroots to explore the original, new and different reform. This paper analyzes the process of the integration of Urban And Rural Residents Medical Insurance in various province of China. We constructs a research framework of three dimensions: institutional structure, external environment and innovation implementation. Taking 13 provinces that spontaneously integrate urban and rural residents medical insurance from 2007 to 2016 as examples,using the method of fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis. This paper summarizes the policy diffusion modes and their respective path characteristics in different regions, and provides suggestions for government innovation at all levels.
Key words: Grassroots government innovation; Policy diffusion; Urban And Rural Residents Medical Insurance提交时间:2021-01-15
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2020-07-07 bmr.202007.00027V1
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