金丽珠, 葛辉, 郭青, 李少琼, 杜雪杰. 基于气象因素和机器学习的流感疫情预警研究. 2021. biomedRxiv.202012.00008
通讯作者: 葛辉, gehui@chinacdc.cn
Early warning of influenza epidemics using meteorological factors and machine learning
Corresponding author: gehui, gehui@chinacdc.cn
Abstract: Influenza is a highly infectious disease, and meteorological factors are the key factors which can cause an outbreak and epidemic among people. This study mainly discusses how to integrate the meteorological factors of multi-source big data with the incidences on influenza in a certain area. To explore the influence of meteorological factors on the incidence of influenza by the methods of machine learning, and construct the early warning and prediction models. The results showed that average temperature, average wind speed, maximum temperature, daily cumulative radiation, maximum wind speed and average air pressure were associated with the outbreak of influenza. Since influenza activity is the result of a variety of influencing factors, further research can be considered to evaluate and monitor the epidemic situation of influenza through multi factor and multi prediction methods, so as to achieve better warning effect and minimize the social impact and economic losses caused by influenza.
Key words: Meteorological factors; Influenza; Big data; Machine learning; Early warning提交时间:2021-01-05
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2020-12-23 bmr.202012.00008V1
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