何畅, 罗彬彧, 李锐, 李晓, 王秋颖, 赵静. 智慧家庭医生APP助力基层中医药服务提质增效策略研究. 2020. biomedRxiv.202004.00035
通讯作者: 罗彬彧, 2904803877@qq.com
Research on the Strategies of Intelligent Family Doctor APP to Improve the Quality and Efficiency ofPrimary-Level TCM Services
Corresponding author: Luo Bin-yu, 2904803877@qq.com
Abstract: The family doctor system is an important system to promote theSgradingShealthScareSin China. At present, the coverage of family doctor services in China has been improved, but the quality and efficiency of TCM services are low, and residents recognition and satisfaction need to be improved. Intelligent family doctor APP has the advantages of network, information and intelligence on the residential end, the family doctor end and the management integration end, which is conducive to improve the quality and efficiency of primary-level family doctors’TCM services. The government, community and other grass-roots medical institutions should support and promote the application and promotion of intelligent family doctor APP as well as improve the quality and efficiency of primary-level family doctors’TCM services.
Key words: intelligent family doctor APP; primary-level TCM services; improve the quality and efficiency提交时间:2020-12-07
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2020-04-08 bmr.202004.00035V1
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