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  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅

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Are there any requirements before paper submission in biomedrxiv, such as declaration and paper template?

You need to follow the statement and paper template in biomedrxiv. Please download and read carefully.

What file formats are acceptable when submitting my manuscript?

Authors may submit either a single PDF or WORD file to biomedRxiv

Which journals allow posting of preprints prior to submission?

Many journals will consider manuscripts that were posted on preprint servers prior to submission. Lists of journal policies can be found on SHERPA/RoMEOhttp://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/journalbrowse.php?la=en&fIDnum=|&mode=simple). Authors should consult these lists, individual journal websites, and other sources of information before posting on biomedRxiv and if in doubt contact the journal to which they intend ultimately to submit.

What types of content can be posted on biomedRxiv?

medRxiv is for the distribution of preprints that are complete but unpublished manuscripts describing biomedical research. Research articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, clinical research design protocols and data articles may be posted. biomedRxiv is not intended for case reports, narrative reviews, editorials, letters, opinion pieces and hypotheses that lack data, laboratory protocols/recipes, theses, term papers, textbook excerpts or individual components of research articles such as figures, tables, and datasets.

Can I post a clinical trial or any other interventional study on biomedRxiv?

Results of clinical trials and any other prospective interventional study can be posted on biomedRxiv providing they are in the form of a traditional scientific paper, include a recognized trial ID from a registry and have obtained approval from the appropriate oversight body.

Can I submit a manuscript to biomedRxiv that I have submitted to a journal?

A manuscript must be submitted to biomedRxiv before it is accepted by a journal. If a manuscript has been submitted to a journal but not yet been accepted for publication, it can be submitted to biomedRxiv.

How to obtain DOI after paper submition?

Once the paper is submitted successfully, biomedrxiv will automatically assign a temporary ID number to it, and the formal DOI can only be obtained after the paper has passed the review.

How do I submit a revised version of my preprint?

A manuscript posted on biomedRxiv can be revised at any time, until it is accepted for publication in a journal. The revision will be posted under the same DOI and the original version of the manuscript will remain accessible in the Info/History tab on the posted preprint page. If the content of the manuscript has changed significantly and you wish it to be considered as a different preprint with a different DOI, then you should submit a new preprint, not a revision.

How can I correct errors in my preprint?

To correct errors in your posted preprint or Supplementary file, please submit a revised version of your manuscript.

Can I remove a manuscript that has been posted on biomedRxiv?

No. Manuscripts posted on biomedRxiv receive DOI's and are citable and part of the scientific record. However, authors may, contact us with biomedRxiv@imicams.ac.cn if they no longer stand by their findings/conclusions or acknowledge fundamental errors in the manuscript.