兰雪, 张晗, 何佳陆, 侯跃芳. 教育数字化转型背景下医学生数字素养现状及对策研究. 2024. biomedRxiv.202407.00023
通讯作者: 兰雪, xlan@cmu.edu.cn
Research on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of Medical Students Digital Literacy under the Background of Digital Transformation in Education
Corresponding author: 兰雪, xlan@cmu.edu.cn
Abstract: Purpose/Significance To investigate medical students digital literacy level and propose cultivation strategies, thereby providing references for medical universities to carry out digital literacy education better. Method/Process A survey was conducted among 907 undergraduate medical students to assess their digital literacy level from three dimensions: medical knowledge acquisition and analysis, online learning and safety, and communication and collaboration. Result/Conclusion Medical students overall digital literacy level is good, especially in terms of utilizing digital tools for communication and cooperation. However, their ability to acquire and analyze medical knowledge is relatively lacking. In addition, there are differences in digital literacy levels among medical students of different grades and majors. To strengthen the development of digital literacy education in medical schools, attention should be paid to creating personalized digital literacy education models, constructing practical digital literacy evaluation systems, highlighting the characteristics of digital literacy in the medical field, and strengthening the practice education of digital security.
Key words: digital literacy; digitization of education; medical students提交时间:2024-07-12
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2024-04-25 bmr.202407.00023V1
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