徐安琪, 韩娇娇, 徐一涵, 范春. 基于数字化转型平台的智慧医院建设规划与研究. 2020. biomedRxiv.202009.00014
通讯作者: 范春
Planning and Research of Smart Hospital Construction Based on Digital Transformation Platform
Corresponding author: fan chun
Abstract: Objective: Explain the planning and research of smart hospital construction based on digital transformation platform. Methods: Combining the practice of hospital informatization construction and the needs of social development, summarize the construction plan of smart hospital. Results: The overall architecture of smart hospital is based on the digital transformation platform composed of data middle platform, technology middle platform and business middle platform, and supports four types of smart applications, namely smart medical, smart management, smart service and regional collaboration. Conclusion: As an important part of the new medical and health infrastructure, smart hospitals will promote the transformation, upgrading and rapid development of the medical and health industry.
Key words: Smart Hospital, Digital Transformation Platform, Technology Middle Platform, Business Middle Platform, Data Middle Platform提交时间:2020-10-10
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2020-09-03 bmr.202009.00014V1
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