于晨, 侯建林, 王丹, 谢阿娜, 王维民. 我国本科医学院校布局及其区域差异性研究. 2021. biomedRxiv.202104.00021
通讯作者: 王维民, wwm@bjmu.edu.cn
Analysis on the distribution and regional difference of medical undergraduate colleges in China
Corresponding author: WANG Wei-min, wwm@bjmu.edu.cn
摘要:目的 了解当前我国本科医学院校的布局,并对其区域差异性深入分析。方法 对院校数量、院校水平利用频数、构成比进行描述性统计;对院校各省、地区分布研究,对区域 GDP总量、区域人口与院校规模做相关性分析;用洛伦兹曲线、基尼系数、泰尔指数深入分析院校分布差异性。结果 我国本科医学院校有420所,且分布不均匀;院校水平不一,硕、博点分布不均衡。各省级行政区域的院校硕、博研究生规模主要与该区域GDP总量高度相关,在校生总规模及本科生规模与该区域人口总数相关性更高。院校分布的差异主要源于地区内部,地区间的差异也不容忽视。结论 我国本科医学院校数量相对不足;院校水平不一,硕、博点分布不均;院校分布存在区域差异性,需促进区域均衡发展。
Abstract: Objective: This paper is to understand the current distribution and the regional difference of undergraduate medical colleges in China. Methods: The descriptive statistical method was adopted for the number and level of colleges, using indicators like frequency, composition ratio, etc. The correlation of regional GDP, regional population and the scale of colleges was analyzed to study the distribution of colleges in different provinces and regions. Lorenz curve, Gini coefficient and Theil index were used to analyze the difference of the distribution of colleges. Results: There are 420 undergraduate medical colleges in China, and the distribution is uneven. The level of colleges is different. The distribution of master and doctor programs is uneven. The scale of graduate students with master’s degree and doctoral degree in each region is highly correlated with the total GDP of the region, while the overall scale of students and undergraduate students have a higher correlation with the total population of the region. The differences in the distribution of undergraduate medical schools mainly originate from intragroup difference of these regions, but the intergroup differences between regions cannot be ignored. Conclusion: The number of undergraduate medical colleges in China is relatively insufficient. The level of these colleges is different. The distribution of master and doctor programs is uneven. The regional distribution of these colleges is different. Therefore, the regional balanced development needs to be promoted.
Key words: Undergraduate medical colleges; Distribution; Regional difference提交时间:2021-08-30
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2021-04-01 bmr.202104.00021V1
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