苏彬彬, 刘尚君, 卢彦君, 姚芳虹, 赵艺皓, 郑晓瑛. 基于集聚度的我国基层卫生人力资源配置评价研究. 2021. biomedRxiv.202102.00008
通讯作者: 郑晓瑛, xzheng@pku.edu.cn
Evaluation of Human Resource Allocation of Primary Health Care in ChinaBased on Agglomeration Degree
Corresponding author: ZHENG Xiao-ying, xzheng@pku.edu.cn
摘要:【摘 要】目的 描述性分析我国各省份和区域之间基层卫生人力资源分布差异和配置公平性,为政府优化配置我国基层卫生人力资源提供政策依据和参考。方法 收集2012-2019年我国各省份基层卫生人力资源的相关数据,从人口和地理面积两个角度计算不同省份和区域的资源集聚度,分析我国基层卫生人力资源的配置公平性。结果 我国基层卫生人力资源整体仍存在较大缺口;人口可及性较好,但地理分布不合理、区域间卫生人力资源配置差距大且多年来没有得到改善;执业(助理)医师和注册护士的配置公平性存在分化差异。结论 目前我国基层卫生人力资源存在总量短缺、区域间配置不均等问题,政府应加大基层卫生人力资源投入,进一步扩充人才队伍规模,提升人才供给能力;合理规划卫生人力资源区域配置,重点加强西部基层卫生人才队伍建设,促进区域协调发展;积极统筹基层卫生人力资源规划布局,建立人才下沉长效机制,不断提高我国基层卫生服务能力。
Abstract: Abstract Objective: To provide policy basis and reference for the government to optimize the allocation of primary health human resources by descriptive analysis of the distribution differences and allocation fairness of primary health human resources among provinces and geographical regions in China. Methods: Collect the relevant data of primary health human resources in China from 2012 to 2019, calculate the agglomeration degree of primary health human resources in different provinces and regions from the perspective of population and geographical area, and analyze the equity of the allocation of primary health human resources in China. Results: There is still a big gap in human resources of primary health care in China; The accessibility of population is good, but the geographical distribution of primary health human resources is unreasonable, the gap between regions is large and has not been improved for many years; There are differences in allocation fairness between licensed (assistant) doctors and registered nurses. Conclusion: At present, there is a shortage of human resources in primary health care in China. The government should increase the input of human resources in primary health care, further expand the scale of talent team, and improve the ability of talent supply; We should rationally plan the regional allocation of health human resources, focus on strengthening the construction of grassroots health talent team in Western China, and promote regional coordinated development; We should actively co-ordinate the planning and distribution of primary health human resources, establish a long-term mechanism for talent sinking, and constantly improve the capacity of primary health services in China.
Key words: Primary health personnel; Health human resources; Health Resource Agglomeration Degree; Allocation fairness提交时间:2021-06-10
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2021-02-09 bmr.202102.00008V1
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