范云满, 杨雨生, 朱峰, 何全, 方安, 王蕾. 基于KNTML的负载均衡架构设计与建设. 2021. biomedRxiv.202011.00016
通讯作者: 方安, fang.an@imicams.ac.cn
The Design and Construction of Load Balancing Architecture Based on KNTML
Corresponding author: Fang An, fang.an@imicams.ac.cn
Abstract: Single-node websites suffer slow response speeds and unbrowsable pages when facing surges, and even server downtime causing service interruptions. It proposed a load balancing architecture based on Keepalived+Nginx+Tomcat+Mysql+Linux (KNTML) on the basis of technical research on server clusters and load balancing, which can meet the service requirements of high availability, high concurrency, and high performance. Taking the STEM platform as the experimental object, the new architecture performed well after the stress test before online and the actual load-banlance after online. It satisfied the needs of high concurrent services and proved that the architecture is a solution to the surge problem.
Key words: Load balance; Science and Technology Evaluation Metrics; KNTML提交时间:2021-03-11
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2020-11-12 bmr.202011.00016V1
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