郭强, 凌鸿, 杨军, 林伟龙, 武志慧, 闵浩巍, 史文钊, 时黎明, 马建辉. 多中心生物样本资源共享与应用平台建设探索. 2020. biomedRxiv.202007.00018
通讯作者: 马建辉, majianhui@csco.org.cn
Exploration of Multi-center Biological Sample Resource Sharing and Application Platform Construction
Corresponding author: majianhui, majianhui@csco.org.cn
Abstract: The construction of Chinese biobanks has developed rapidly in recent years with the support of government. However, due to differences in construction concepts and goals, the biobanks are scattered, independent, or not highly integrated. Both the operational procedure and the technical architecture lack collaborative innovation mechanisms. The multi-center biological sample resource sharing and application platform mentioned in this study formulates relevant specifications and standards, integrates multiple diseases, multiple themes, and large-scale human genetic resources, which can achieve multi-dimensional management of biological samples and maximize the value of scientific researches. We hope the exploration in this study can provide some scientific basis for medical services such as etiological research, clinical diagnosis and treatment, and disease prevention.
Key words: Biobank; Standardization; informatics; Sharing; Application提交时间:2020-09-10
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2020-07-15 bmr.202007.00018V1
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