• 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅
  • 国家药监局综合司 国家卫生健康委办公厅

贫困缩短了老年人的预期寿命吗? ——基于多状态生命表的研究

通讯作者: 张立龙, zhanglilong6124@163.com

A study on the relationship between economic poverty and the life expectancy of the elderly People

Corresponding author: Zhang Lilong, zhanglilong6124@163.com
  • 摘要:文章基于2008~2011年北京大学中国老年人健康长寿影响因素调查数据,利用logit模型和多增减生命表研究了贫困状态对老年人死亡风险和预期寿命的影响。结果发现:(1)非贫困老年人的死亡风险比贫困老年人显著低15.3%;贫困状态对老年人死亡风险的影响在不同居住地(城乡)、不同医疗保险拥有状况的老年人之间存在显著差异。(2)65岁非贫困老年人的平均余寿为16.75年,比贫困老年人长1.21年;其中,65岁非贫困老年人与贫困老年人的平均余寿之差在农村和城镇分别为1.11年、2.01年;65岁非贫困老年人与贫困老年人的平均余寿之差对于有医疗保险者和无医疗保险者分别为1.32年、0.97年。基于此,文章建议完善建档立卡贫困人口、低保对象的社会救助体系,提高社会救助水平尤其是医疗救助水平,对于建立更加公平的社会保障体系、推进社会保障扶贫具有重要意义。

    关键词: 贫困状态;预期寿命;死亡风险;生命表


    Abstract: Based on the 2008~2011 CLHLS data, with the logistic model and multistate life stable method, this paper study the relationship between economic poverty and the elderly people’s life expectancy. Found: The death probability of non-poverty elderly people is significantly lower than that of the poverty elderly people, and the impact of poverty on the death probability of the elderly people are significantly different among the elderly people with different Hukou and medical insurance status. The average life expectancy of non-poverty elderly people is 16.75 years, which is 1.21 years longer than that of the poverty elderly people. This paper argues that the relatively shorter life expectancy of poverty elderly people would directly reduce their time of getting pension, and we suggested that the government should introduce policies to let the poverty elderly people get their pension in earlier age, and also raise their pension benefits, those are of great significance for establishing a more equitable social security system.

    Key words: the state of poverty; average life expectancy; death risk; life table.


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    1 2020-03-22


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张立龙. 贫困缩短了老年人的预期寿命吗? ——基于多状态生命表的研究. 2020. biomedRxiv.202003.00306


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