奴尔艾力·卡的, 王子高, 努尔艾力·卡地尔, 胡彦兵, 艾斯卡尔·艾沙, 马海鸿, 朱小磊, 陈天翔. 医疗援疆背景下卒中中心建设运行的实践与探索. 2024. biomedRxiv.202409.00007
通讯作者: 陈天翔, zjutxchen@163.com
Practice and exploration of the construction and operation of stroke centers under the background of medical aid to Xinjiang
Corresponding author: CHEN Tianxaing, zjutxchen@163.com
Abstract: Objective To summarize the construction and operation of the stroke center of Shanghai medical talents group aid to Xinjiang and to provide reference for the construction of stroke center and managers. Methods Adjust the management committee of the stroke center, establish the stroke center treatment expert group and management office, set up the second-line stroke doctor and stroke nurses, stroke recognition changed from emergency doctors to triage nurses, implement the intravenous thrombolysis treatment mode with the CT room as the core, clarify the requirements of each time node, and carry out full-cycle management, so as to continuously optimize the stroke treatment process, shorten the treatment time, and improve the level of stroke treatment and management. Results The median time from arrival to initiation of intravenous thrombolysis (DNT) was shortened from 66 min to 38 min, and there was a statistically significant difference in the DNT time before and after the procedure optimization (P<0.001), The median time from hospital visit to femoral artery puncture (DPT) was shortened from 184 minutes to 112 minutes, Cultivate a local team for thrombectomy, and achieve a breakthrough of zero in key technologies for stroke. Conclusion By strengthening organization and management, strengthening training, and continuously adjusting and optimizing the stroke treatment process in combination with the actual situation of the hospital, to provide better quality, rapid and effective medical services for acute stroke patients in the recipient areas.
Key words: stroke centers; green channel construction; Medical aid to Xinjiang提交时间:2024-09-03
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序号 提交日期 编号 操作 1 2024-08-12 bmr.202409.00007V1
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